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Planning of Zoning Legalization for the Operations of Processing Designated Recycling Materials and Assistance for Related Parties

The purpose of this project is to continuously assist recycling agents in the process of fulfilling legal zoning requirements for their operations. Besides, assessing the possibility of establishing “Regional Recycling and Reuse Districts” is another task in this project. To date, we have successfully helped 204 recycling agents complete the application process of zoning legalization as well as provided consulting service to recycling agents and Environmental Protection Bureaus of local governments. In order to provide more concise guidance for related parties, we have made 2000 copies of the pamphlet with all instructions needed available for the applications of legal land uses of recycling business. To monitor the impacts on recycling business due to the shutdown of several recycling agents after EPA’s ratifying the zoning legalization policy, we also conducted a study to examine the variations in quantities of certified recycling materials before and after the policy. The results of this study concluded no impacts are found from the policy on the demand and supply dimensions of the recycling material flows and the recycling market can reach equilibrium on its own. Besides, to prevent the recycling materials entering the EPA’s system for subsidy from the agents operating on illegal zones, we suggest more inspections by EPA should be held in the future.
recycling agentsfulfilling legal zoning requirements,Recycling and Reuse Districts,assist